Third in the legendary Tsuburaya Productions' succession of "Ultra" series, this 1967-68 follow-up to the best-known "Ultraman" program focuses on the exploits of the Terrestrial Defense Force and it's special Ultra Guard team: six elite officers and a seventh member who has fused with Ultraseven, his alien rescuer from the Land of Light in Nebula M-78. Together, the super squad battles one monstrous alien kaiju after another! Kôji Moritsugu, Yuriko Hishimi star.48 episodes on 6 discs. 20 hrs. Standard; Soundtrack: Japanese; Subtitles: English. In Japanese with English subtitles.
Third in the legendary Tsuburaya Productions' succession of "Ultra" series, this 1967-68 follow-up to the best-known "Ultraman" program focuses on the exploits of the Terrestrial Defense Force and it's special Ultra Guard team: six elite officers and a seventh member who has fused with Ultraseven, his alien rescuer from the Land of Light in Nebula M-78. Together, the super squad battles one monstrous alien kaiju after another! Kôji Moritsugu, Yuriko Hishimi star.48 episodes on 6 discs. 20 hrs. Standard; Soundtrack: Japanese; Subtitles: English. In Japanese with English subtitles.
Third in the legendary Tsuburaya Productions' succession of "Ultra" series, this 1967-68 follow-up to the best-known "Ultraman" program focuses on the exploits of the Terrestrial Defense Force and it's special Ultra Guard team: six elite officers and a seventh member who has fused with Ultraseven, his alien rescuer from the Land of Light in Nebula M-78. Together, the super squad battles one monstrous alien kaiju after another! Kôji Moritsugu, Yuriko Hishimi star.48 episodes on 6 discs. 20 hrs. Standard; Soundtrack: Japanese; Subtitles: English. In Japanese with English subtitles.