The film follows Jack, who is desperate for work and tries out for an all-male dance squad. His moves are great, but unfortunately Jack doesn't have it where it counts: between the legs. After this embarrassing revelation, in a shower scene reminiscent of Carrie, bodies begin to pile up as a mysterious masked killer emerges and starts eliminating erotic dancers one by one. Let's see who gets CUT from the squad next!
The film follows Jack, who is desperate for work and tries out for an all-male dance squad. His moves are great, but unfortunately Jack doesn't have it where it counts: between the legs. After this embarrassing revelation, in a shower scene reminiscent of Carrie, bodies begin to pile up as a mysterious masked killer emerges and starts eliminating erotic dancers one by one. Let's see who gets CUT from the squad next!
The film follows Jack, who is desperate for work and tries out for an all-male dance squad. His moves are great, but unfortunately Jack doesn't have it where it counts: between the legs. After this embarrassing revelation, in a shower scene reminiscent of Carrie, bodies begin to pile up as a mysterious masked killer emerges and starts eliminating erotic dancers one by one. Let's see who gets CUT from the squad next!